My sister is a traveler. She has been to a lot of places. So after her return from her last trip out of the country I told her I wanted to be apart of the next. So I saved my money to go. Finally last year we decided 2012 would be our time, but also last year I found out I was pregnant....
I think all mothers when their baby is first born struggle with the feeling of guilt when first leaving them with a friend or family member to go out. Especially if the activity you are participating in isn’t recreational and not something you necessarily HAVE to do! The first time I went to a doctor’s appointment I felt guilty! I was rushing back home to see if my baby was alright. The first time I went OUT and stayed gone the whole night for my birthday I woke up at 7 a.m. to pump my breast-milk, sitting on the floor, head down near tears because I missed my baby so much and felt so bad for leaving him.
I am sure that you after having a baby have also had your moments of guilt and maybe still do! There is nothing wrong with wanting to be there for your baby, but as mothers I think we forget to be there for ourselves! How can we make our baby happy if we are unhappy? I never want to look at my son and feel like he is the reason why I never get to go out when truthfully I am the one who won’t leave him even though he would be in perfectly good hands. So let me ask you, would you rather your baby be happy six days out of the week or an unhappy baby 7 days a week? Now in all honestly that baby is going to be happy without you anyway, but what you don’t want is for your child to enjoy being away from you more than being with you because you are always in a sour mood, tired, stressed and whatever it is you need a break to help clear your mind from.

Now my trip isn't a small getaway. Its actually a 14 day tour in CHINA. So imagine the guilt I am feeling!! I am just SO glad I prepared myself little by little for this vacation. Even though the closer I get the more I hold tight to my little boy knowing I will miss him DREADFULLY, but this opportunity is vital for me. I'm not rolling in money and this trip was only possible through a great GROUPON deal that me and my sister were more than ecstatic to find. Once in a lifetime occasion, I may never get to go back! When I come home my little boy won't even realized how long I had been gone and he will greet me with that amazing toothless grin. As for me, I will be ten times happier making my baby just as happy!
So.... I can’t stress enough how important it is to LOVE ourselves. Don’t mistake that for selfishness, because although I may go out and take time off from motherhood for a few hours, in THIS case days, I don’t ever take time off from loving my son. His NEEDS will forever come before my WANTS. That is just apart of being a mom.
you should tag Groupon, getaway, deal, shanghai, beijing, and anything you can think of... this is an excellent read for young moms! So happy for you and your amazing sister ;) ENJOY!!!